
Wow timelane
Wow timelane

wow timelane

But not every elf, as it turned out, got to keep that lifespan. That immortality is what caused the elves to have such huge lifespans. So why the difference in appearance? Thousands of years ago, after the end of the War of the Ancients, the World Tree Nordrassil was created and blessed by the dragon Aspects to grant a couple of different things: access to the Emerald Dream and immortality for every elf who stood watch over it. These two races have distinct physical differences, but the blood elves were once - long, long ago - actually kaldorei who looked just like night elves. Out of all of these types of elves, only two are currently playable: the kaldorei (night elves) and the sin'dorei (blood elves). The different types and races of elves may seem really confusing, but it's really just the terminology that throws a lot of people off track. Still confused? I wrote an article last year regarding elven evolution and the development of each type of elf out there, with a handy chart for reference purposes.

wow timelane

Physically speaking, they look and are just the same as the night elves they simply call themselves quel'dorei because they were the highborne of night elf society back in the days of the War of the Ancients. These high elves are called the Shen'dralar, and they lived in the ruins of Eldre'thalas after the War of the Ancients. On top of this, there's another section of "high elves" who look just like night elves - because they are. There is a section of quel'dorei who are still allied with the Alliance these are the "high elves" with the blue eyes, NPCs that we see scattered around Azeroth. What those elves really are are quel'dorei - "high elves."Ĭonfusing? It's about to get a little more confusing. As far as the blood elves are concerned, the name "sin'dorei" is simply a name they took up after the Sunwell was destroyed during the rise of the Scourge. The night elves, or kaldorei, are the Alliance-based side of that elven equation on the Horde side, we've got the blood elves, or sin'dorei.

Wow timelane plus#

There are essentially four different "types" of elves out there, plus various offshoots and mutations - but there are only two races of elves that we interact with on a friendly basis, depending on which side of the faction fence we're on. For some elves like Malfurion Stormrage, Tyrande Whisperwind and others, it stretches 10,000 years of history - and only the very smallest fraction of that has been spent with the Alliance and an even smaller fraction of that has been spent with the Horde (in the case of the blood elves). In the case of elves, however, the timeline suddenly goes from being "just right" to amazingly, incomprehensibly huge. A Warcraft human may have a bit of a longer lifespan than we do out here in real life, but the basic mechanics of aging and memory stay the same, so long as there aren't any strange magical circumstances involved. As far as age goes, it's pretty easy to wrap one's mind around the approximate age of a human character.

wow timelane

Last week, we covered the human race and to a lesser degree the worgen and undead, in regards to where those individual races "fit" into the Warcraft timeline when roleplaying. Have questions about roleplaying, or roleplaying issues? Email me - I'm always open to suggestions! In World of Warcraft, that player is you! Each week, Anne Stickney brings you All the World's a Stage with helpful hints, tips and tricks on the art of roleplay in WoW. All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players.

Wow timelane